Tools to Equip
Here are some resources from Care and Kindness Ministries that are related to the issues highlighted in our brief film. To view information that can better equip you to face situations such as these or simply scroll down.
The issues portrayed in the video are only a small slice of the burdens that people around us are facing. The mission of Care and Kindness Ministries is to increase everyone's awareness of the fact that they are surrounded by hurting people; to offer hope and encouragement to persons who are facing trials and difficulties. We cannot FIX them; and as Kindness Ambassadors, it is not our responsibility to even try to be 'fixers'. But we can indeed offer our love; we can offer acts of kindness; we can demonstrate our concern and support for them as they struggle.
Grief comes to us from many sources. The most obvious is the death of a loved one. We are deeply saddened and affected by the loss. But there are other losses that we also feel deeply: the loss of a job, the breakup of a relationship, financial hardship, the death of a beloved pet, giving up on a dream. If you are personally facing grief, click here to view a list of resources and tools that we can provide.
If you are seeking information to better equip you to provide support and caring comfort to another who is going through grief, click below to view the list.
Health concerns strike us at every age. Parents are worried about their children; retired couples fear the issues of aging; everyone is wounded when disease strikes. If you would like to view information to help you deal with health concerns of your own, of your family, or of a friend, click here.
Likewise, if you would like advice and guidance on how you can help others who are facing health issues, click below.
Infertility is a major heartache and a struggle for many young couples. It is a very specific concern for those who face it, and yet it can also be seen as representative of many fears, losses, trials and hardships that young people grapple with. There is a sense of brokenness, a fear that you are not good enough, and a sense that you are failing at something. If you are personally facing issues such as this, click here for some related resources.
If this topic, or other issues that are affecting young people, is one that touches your heart, and you wish to reach out to them, click below to view many helpful resources. We cannot fix these people, but we can strive to be understanding and compassionate towards them.
Hopelessness - the scene in our video depicts a young man who is feeling worthless because he doesn't have a job. Perhaps your despair comes from other causes. When the walls of your life seem to be crumbling, it is hard to hang on to hope. It is hard to believe that things can actually get better. Click here for helpful thoughts.
If you are seeking resources to help equip yourself to better offer care and support to persons facing hard times, and who are feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, click below to view many helpful ideas.
Special Needs Children
Special Needs children can be very rewarding - but they also bring stress and challenges to all family members. Consequently, the needs of the family may be even greater than the needs of the child. If you are one of these family members, click here for helpful thoughts.
Those of us seeking to be supportive of these families can provide loving help for them in a number of ways - perhaps by simply providing a way for them to have some 'time off.' click below for helpful thoughts.