Health is an area of interest to nearly everyone. Some problems are serious — and some are not so serious. Some people are very focused on it — some largely ignore it. But to those who feel they have lost it — or are in the process of losing it — the issues of health can be devastating, filled with worry, dread, anxiety.
We bear responsibility for dealing with our own health issues, and we rely upon the medical professionals to help us heal and recover. But while that is going on, we can aid our recovery by what we think, what we feed into our minds, and our attitude about what is going on.
The resources below from Jim Kok and Care and Kindness Ministries were selected because of their focus on health concerns. They are in the form of articles that Jim Kok has written, relevant postings from our 'Thoughts from Jim' column, recommended books written by Jim Kok, and helpful scripture verses.
Psalm 30:4-5
You who are faithful to the Lord, sing praises to him; give thanks to his holy name! …Weeping may stay all night, but by morning, joy!
Psalm 147:3-6
He heals the heartbroken and bandages their wounds. He counts the stars and assigns each a name. Our Lord is great, with limitless strength; we’ll never comprehend what he knows and does. God puts the fallen on their feet again and pushes the wicked into the ditch.
Articles from Care Capsules
My Journey Through Breast Cancer
Recommended Books
Miracle of Kindness (Chapter 3)
Thoughts from Jim
Stop Worrying; The Lord Holds On To You
Friends and family who are dealing with health concerns — who are filled with worry and fear — need support from the people around them. They require our loving care that lets them know that they need not feel they are facing their problems all alone.
You can better equip yourself to provide that kind of support through the resources selected below. They are in the form of articles that Jim Kok has written, relevant postings from our 'Thoughts from Jim' column, recommended books written by Jim Kok, and helpful scripture verses. Draw from them to better equip yourself to offer help, love, and support to others.
Articles from Care Capsules
90% of Helping Is Just Showing Up!
Do You Have Two Ears? Or Three?
My Journey Through Breast Cancer
Recommended Books
90% Of Helping Is Just Showing Up (Chapter 1, 2, 4)
Miracle of Kindness (Chapter 3, 4, 9)
Transform Belief Into Behavior (Chapter 6)
Thoughts from Jim
Don't Just Do Something. Stand There!
More Acts of Care and Kindness
God Heals. We Walk Along Side.
A Major Mistake When Helping the Hurting