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Reflecting on Rejuvenation

I am older than I've ever been. In fact, I've never been this age before! So, I've been thinking that we begin to get older actually before we are born. I remember that aging became an issue at age sixteen, when I longed for a driver's license, and again when I wanted a glass of wine in a restaurant.

But I've also been thinking that, while our bodies grow weightier, our friendships also enlarge, deepen, and even sometimes simplify. To simplify means to be healed, encouraged, satisfied by a smile, a pat on the back, a hug, or a postcard in the U.S. Mail.

There is a book on our mantel right now entitled "90% of Helping is Just Showing Up". Perhaps you have heard of it. That title tells us how little it takes to be spiritually rejuvenated. Rejuvenation is the process of making someone, or something, young again. So spiritual rejuvenation means to be once again energetically active and enthusiastic.

It can start with a personal decision to be fresh, alert, physically alive. But then it depends on opening our eyes, ears and our heart to the goodness of those round us. The benefits of life itself, the wonders of creation and even human invention and performance are spiritual modifiers.

Even church attendance is a potent help. The music, the atmosphere, the message — all contribute to deepening and rejuvenation, which, surprisingly, is a synonym for being born again.

Rejuvenation is a way of life. It includes staying active, valuing your people, nourishing your mind and spirit. Remember the old saying 'prayer changes things'. Consistent, thoughtful prayer also changes those who exert themselves in that direction.

There are countless benefits to growing older, but staying young is always possible. You might take a few moments right now to consider where you are in this regard. Are you getting older? Are you doing things to stay young? Let's talk about that.



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