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A Kindness Suggestion for Christmas Time

Last night, at about 8:00, I stopped at a home, the residents of which were strangers to me. I rang the door bell and a man came to the door. He looked puzzled by my presence, which he understandably should have been. I greeted him and simply said, "I just stopped to tell you how much I appreciate the Christmas lights on your house and bushes. This is the most beautiful display in the neighborhood. Thank you!"

He smiled in appreciation and explained a little about how long he has been doing it and how he got started. But the main thing is that he had been patted on the back by a stranger for making the world, at Christmas, a more beautiful place.

I felt like a million dollars after that stop. And I think he did, too.

We are once again in the season where we all a little more kindly, friendly, cheerful, isn't it! And yet, we don't want our words and actions to be automatic (and perhaps just a repeat of what we do and say EVERY year.) Our focus in this Care and Kindness Campaign is to do things INTENTIONALLY. So, my friends, I ask you to think about something you can do that is not automatic - not what you have always done at Christmas time.

Speaking to the man above about his Christmas lights was so simple to do. But I did it on purpose - WITH purpose: to spread Christ's love and good Christmas cheer. What is another simple thing you can do for these reasons?


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